The Ultimate Guide on How To Update WordPress Plugins: Everything You Need to Know
Introduction: What are WordPress Plugins and Why are they Important?
WordPress plugins are a set of tools that allow you to extend the functionality of your website. They can be used for different purposes such as SEO, marketing automation, and social media integration.
Plugins are a vital part of the WordPress ecosystem. They allow you to make your website more dynamic and interactive with just a few clicks.
Plugins can also help you protect your site from hackers and other security threats. They can even help you create new features that weren’t previously possible with WordPress alone.
WordPress plugins are an important aspect of the WordPress platform because they allow users to customize their websites and provide new features.
WordPress Plugin Update Checklist to Follow
While WordPress is a powerful CMS, it is not without its risks. One of the major risks that you will face when using WordPress is outdated plugins.
Plugins are extensions that can be installed to add features to your site or improve performance. However, they are not always updated to the latest version and this could result in security vulnerabilities and other problems with your site.
To avoid these risks, you need to update your plugins regularly. You should do this at least once per month or as soon as a new update is released by the plugin developer.
The following checklist will help you keep track of all your plugins and ensure that they are up-to-date:
Read the changelog of the plugin before updating. This will help you know what the new version of the plugin is about and whether or not you need the update.
Update only one plugin at a time. This will help you avoid any conflicts with other plugins that might have been updated at the same time as well as avoid breaking your site due to an outdated plugin.
If you are using a free plug-in, make sure that it is up-to-date before installing any paid plug-ins.
Update your paid plugins.
Check your website for any errors.
How Can I Update My Plugins from Within the WordPress Dashboard?
To update your plugins from within the WordPress dashboard, you first need to find which plugin you want to update. You can search for a plugin by typing in the name or searching for it alphabetically.
Once you find it, click on its name and then click “Update” on the right hand side of the screen.
If there are multiple versions of that same plugin available, then you will see them listed below it with a drop down arrow next to each one.
Click on that arrow to choose which version you want to update your plugin with and then click “Update” again.
All plugins that are updated from the WordPress Dashboard should be synced to your Server via FTP.