How to Update Your WordPress Theme in 2022

How to Update Your WordPress Theme in 2022

Updating your WordPress theme is an important part of keeping your website running smoothly. A theme that is out of date can cause all sorts of problems, from security vulnerabilities to compatibility issues with plugins. In this guide, we will show you how to update your WordPress theme in just a few easy steps.

First, make sure that you have a backup of your website. This is always a good idea before making any changes to your site. You can use a plugin like BackupBuddy or VaultPress, or you can manually create a backup by copying your website files to another location.

Next, log into your WordPress admin area and go to Appearance > Themes. You will see a list of all of the themes that are installed on your website.

To update a theme, click on the “Update Available” link next to the theme’s name. WordPress will automatically check for updates and give you the option to download and install them.

Click on “Update Now” and WordPress will update the theme for you. Once the update is complete, you will see a message telling you that the process is complete.

That’s all there is to it! Updating your WordPress theme is a quick and easy way to keep your website running smoothly. Be sure to check for updates regularly so that you can always be using the latest and greatest version of your theme.

Which Customizations Can You Lose During Theme Update?

While you can make some pretty major changes to a WordPress theme with customizations, not all of them will be saved in the database. Some customization options may cause problems if they’re changed too much or Store bought themes lack this feature entirely so it’s important for users who want their site customized down pat!

The WordPress theme customizer allows you to keep any changes that were made, which can be accessed through Appearance » Customize page.

The WordPress theme customizer allows you to modify your web page and save all changes in a database. You can adjust font sizes, colors of text or background images; change layouts with ease!

You can still use your widgets and navigation menus after updating the theme.

To avoid compatibility problems with future WP releases, plugins are now included in many themes. These extra features can be added to your site using the companion plugin and will not affect what you change on a per post or page basis unless another update comes out that changes their functionality again!

Customizations You Will Lose During a Theme Update

So what will you lose? Any changes made directly to your theme’s files. For example, if code is added in the functions file or styles are styled with css (style sheet), these modifications could be overwritten when updating themes – which means they’ll disappear without warning!

What we need now more than ever: preservation techniques for those important tweaks and customization efforts gone forever because there was no way around losing them all at once during an update procedure.

Creating a Child Theme

You can create a child theme to store your customizations in, which will allow you safe updates for the parent theme. Let’s get started!

Creating a child theme is the best way to keep your website up-to date with all of its features and functionality. You can create one using either plugin or code, depending on what kind of developer you are!.

Syneria WordPress Website Care Plan

Worried about your wordpress website theme update?

You’re not alone. A recent study found that 60% of small businesses don’t have a website, and of the businesses that do have a website, 1 in 4 are out-of-date. Don’t be one of those statistics – get a website care plan from Syneria. We’ll make sure your website is always up to date, secure and backed up so you can focus on what you do best.

DNot only will you have peace of mind knowing your website is taken care of by the pros, but you’ll also get access to our team of experts who can help with anything from updating your content to fixing a broken plugin. Sign up today for as little as $25/month and let us take care of everything for you.

Click here learn more about our WordPress Website Care Plans!