How to Change Theme in WordPress

how to update wordpress

How to Change The Theme in WordPress

Do you want to change the look and feel of your WordPress site? Are you not happy with your current theme?

In this guide, we will show you how to change theme in WordPress. This is a process that can be completed in just a few minutes, and it is something that anyone can do. We will walk you through each step of the process, so you can make the switch to a new theme with ease.

Let’s get started!

First, you need to log into your WordPress site. Once you are logged in, you will see the WordPress dashboard.

This is where you will be able to manage all aspects of your website. From here, you need to click on the “Appearance” tab. This is where you will find all of the settings for your theme.

Next, you will see a list of themes that are available for you to choose from. Take some time to browse through these options and find the one that you want to use.

Once you have found the perfect theme, hover over it and click on the “Activate” button. This will change your theme and give your WordPress site a new look.

Things to Do Before Changing a WordPress Theme

Theme changing is an easy task, but there are some precautions you should take before starting the process. We recommend that given below checklist to ensure a smooth change and protect your data from getting lost in this procedure!

  1. Copy Snippets from Your Current Theme

Some WordPress users like to customize their website by adding code snippets directly in the functions.php file of theme.

You can easily miss changes made to your website if they happen without warning. To keep track of any customization work you do on a site, make sure that the files for both old and new themes are saved together so it is easy to go back later with just one search query!

  1. Test Load Time

Making changes to your website’s theme can have a big impact on page load time.

You should check the speed of each change before implementing it so that you know which one takes less effort in terms if waiting around for images or videos, among other things!

  1. Don’t Lose Any Tracking Code

Some users like to add their analytics code right into the theme files, while others have WordPress themes with easy-to use settings panels where you can find Adsense or Analytics tracking info.

One mistake beginners make is overlooking these codes – make sure that they copy all of them before changing your site’s look and feel!

For those who want to future proof their sites, we always recommend installing Google Analytics using a plugin like MonsterInsights and for other tracking codes use the header and footer plugins.

  1. Make a Full Backup

Changing your WordPress theme is a big decision.

You should always make sure that you back up all of the posts, images and plugins before making any changes to ensure there isn’t anything lost in translation! There are tons free backup plugins available on the internet which will give you peace-of mind as well since they’re easy enough for beginners who might not know how else do this stuff yet – just find what works best with where your website hosted so consider downloading them first then doing some research into which one works for you best.

  1. Sidebar Content

Sidebars are great for adding different widgets including social links, advertisements or subscription forms.

If you need any custom code added into your widget then just make sure that it’s copied and pasted onto this page so can reused in future themes!

  1. Keep Your Site on Maintenance Mode

When you have a web presence, it’s important to keep things running smoothly so that your site isn’t down for too long or experiences any other major malfunctions.

It’s best practice then, when making changes on the backend of an already existing website such as updating content with new updates and adding more features like social media sharing tools -to put them into maintenance mode until these updates are completed before returning outputting live info again!

How to Change WordPress Theme Manually

It’s time to walk through the steps of how to change a theme manually. This process is simple and can be completed in just a few minutes!

First, you need to connect with an FTP client and go into the theme folder for your website.

Here you’ll be able to see all the themes that are currently installed on your website. If one of them isn’t what’s right for your needs, then go ahead and install a WordPress theme via FTP instead!

Next, you want to write down the folder name of your desired theme because we’ll need it later.

After that go into cPanel on WordPress hosting account and scroll down until reaching Database section where there will be a database matching what was just mentioned in step one with “phpMyAdmin.”

You’ll be able to access your WordPress site’s database from within phpMyAdmin. Simply click on the name of whichever databases you want, and it will take you right there!

Next, it’ll show you the list of tables in this database. You need to click on wp_options table for an easy way into what’s inside!

Note: By default, WordPress use wp_ as the prefix for table names. However it’s possible to have a different database name with this option enabled in your settings!

You will find the template and stylesheet rows on this panel.

Click on the Edit link present in this row to open up your template’s editor.

The option value should be changed to the name of your desired theme. It’s usually found in wp-content/themes, but you can find it by looking at what was copied earlier – just make sure both names are correct!

Once you’re done, click on the Go button to save your changes. Next repeat this same process for row two: Stylesheet.

You are done! You can go to your website now and see how great of a job you did with this new theme.

About Syneria

WordPress websites can be a lot of work.

You have to worry about updates, security, and backups. It can be a lot to handle on your own. That’s where we come in – with our website care plans, you can leave all the website management to us so you can focus on what you do best.

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That’s all there is to it! Changing your WordPress theme is a quick and easy process that anyone can do. Just follow the steps above and you’ll have a new theme in no time. Thanks for reading and we hope this guide was helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.