Why Update WordPress (Updated for 2022)

why update wordpress

Why Update WordPress? (updated for 2022)

WordPress is a great platform, but it’s only as good as its last update. That’s why it’s important to keep your site up-to-date. Outdated versions of WordPress are vulnerable to attack, and they can also cause compatibility issues with plugins and themes. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of keeping your WordPress site up-to-date, and we will give you some tips on how to do it.

If you’re using an older version of WordPress, we strongly recommend that you update to the latest version. Not only will this help keep your site secure, but it will also ensure that you have the latest features and bug fixes. Updating WordPress is easy, and most hosts offer automatic updates. However, if you’re not comfortable with updating WordPress yourself, you can always hire a WordPress developer to do it for you.


It is important to keep your WordPress website up-to date because it powers more than 30% of all websites in the world, and due its popularity there are many hackers who want nothing less but take control over this amazing program. Not just for themselves but also plugins can be exploited by malware distributors which cause data theft or even code injections leading into system vulnerabilities resulting into information leakages! You need make sure that every single update you apply on top with core version number might not only protect against outside attacks from malicious sources (hacks)but also help prevent any potential insider threats too.

New Features:

Major WordPress releases come with new features and changes to the software. For example, version 5 introduced a block editor in 2019! This means that you can create more creative designs for your content because now there is an easy way of adding images or videos right from inside blocks without having them load separately on top as well which saves space too so its faster loading time – how nice?! Another thing about this update were some accessibility improvements around UI (user interface). The latest version of WordPress is more user-friendly and offers a better experience than older versions.

Maximum Performance:

WordPress is always striving to be faster. With each new release, developers find ways of improving performance so you can have an efficient site with less load time and higher ranking in search engines like Google or Bing! For example: WordPress 4.2 improved JS navigation menu speeds; while version four one (4) increased complex queries which helped optimize sites using those type(s). Now that we’re on v5- it’s important not only update but also stay ahead by installing all updates as soon they become available because these little tweaks could mean big things when optimizing your website for traffic volume – something every business wants nowadays.

Bug Fixes:

Major releases of the popular WordPress software are thorough tests, but sometimes bugs slip through. That’s why there is a timely minor release each time with X .X extension to account for these errors in order words; most recently this was 4\.2′.3 update which fixed 20 different problems from its predecessor version! If you go onto support forums asking about how best to handle your problem and advice will be given – updating WordPress may just fix it entirely or at least provide some relief until another more comprehensive check can take place.

Plugin and theme Compatibility:

Theme and plugin developers work for hand in glove with major WordPress releases to ensure that their plugins are taking advantage of new features.

In some cases, an update can break your existing WordPress plugins if they weren’t following the best practices and coding standards. This is why you need to make sure that all updates are thoroughly tested before going live with them on a site or network of sites (such as Small Business Membership Sites).

With regular back ups in place, this should not be too much trouble but there will always come times when something goes wrong- which means we may lose content because everything was backed up at once during one scheduled appointment rather than individually over time like most people do – so keep those fingers crossed!

Steps to Keep your WordPress Updated

Updating your WordPress core, plugins and themes whenever there is a new update for them has never been easier. WordPress comes with an easy built-in notification system that highlights when you log into the dashboard how many updates are available to download!

There are many ways you can get the latest updates for your site. The easiest way is to visit Dashboard » Updates page and install those updates with just one click of a button! However, since not everyone logs into their WordPress dashboard daily (or even weekly), they might miss out on an opportunity if it’s not present in time. Luckily there’s some good news – though now more than ever before as new problems arise all around us: we have options so that this doesn’t happen.

With WordPress 3.7 or higher, automatic updates are turned on for minor releases (which come with security and bugfix patches). You can choose to download major release versions as well plugins/themes by turning off this setting in the dashboard under “ Automatic Updates.” Alternatively, you can get email notifications on minor releases when there is a new update for your WordPress site.

Get Email Notifications for Updates in WordPress

WordPress is a great tool for creating sites to share your work with the world. But what if you could stay up-to date without having to log into WordPress every day or even go online at all? With this WP Updates Notifier plugin, not only will emails be sent out when updates are ready and available but also they’ll include details about how much content has changed in each update so that way no matter where someone accesses their site (from desktop client/tablet app), everything looks fresh!

You can also install and activate the WP Updates Notifier plugin through your WordPress dashboard. Once activated, visit Settings » UpdatesNotifacor to configure it for maximum efficiency!

This plugin uses WordPress’s built-in Cronjob functionality to check your site for updates every hour. You can change this frequency if you like, but we recommend setting it once per day so that users don’t get flooded with messages than they cannot respond too due their inboxes being full. By default, the tool checks for WordPress core update and plugin updates. All you need to do is click on save settings with test email button!

Auto Install WordPress Updates

You can also automate the update process by enabling automatic updates for major releases, plugins and themes. This option is risky if you’re not using managed WordPress hosting as it could break your site without warning!

Turning on automatic updates is risky because you may not be able to fix your site if something goes wrong. There are two ways that can help with this problem: using plugins or codes themselves.

The first option is with a plugin and there’s no risk of breaking anything if things go wrong because the update will be pulled from within WordPress itself without interrupting browsing or other services that rely on it being up-to date!

The Easy Updates Manager plugin is a very simple way to keep your WordPress site up-to date. Simply install the software, activate it on our dashboard and visit “Update Options” page for any configuration changes you want make!

Enable Auto Updates Using wp-config File

To enable automatic updates for WordPress core, simply add this line to your wp-config.php file and make sure that you backup before doing anything else!

define(‘WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE’, true);

If you also want to automatically update your themes and plugins, then this is a piece of cake! You can add the following code onto either one or more site specific plugins in order for them all be updated with every single change made on their respective websites.

add_filter( ‘auto_update_plugin’, ‘__return_true’ );

add_filter( ‘auto_update_theme’, ‘__return_true’ );



Your website is one of your most important assets, but it can be hard to keep it online and running smoothly without any security risks.

Not only do our website care plans keep your website online and running smoothly, but they also include enterprise-level security and malware removal. Plus, we update your WordPress core files and plugins automatically!

Syneria offers the best WordPress website care plans on the market. We make sure that your website is always online and running smoothly with no security risks. We’ll keep your site updated and backed-up, so you can focus on what you do best – running your business! Contact us today for a free consultation!

We hope this blog post has helped you understand the importance of keeping your WordPress site up-to-date. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading!